ATIA Corporate Gala Dinner takes place November 4 at Hyatt PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 21 September 2011 00:26
ATIA announced in a press conference that its Corporate Gala Dinner 2011 is scheduled for November 4. This is the ATIA's second annual gala dinner and invited guest is Robert Gianetti Da Fonseca from Brazil. Gianetti Da Fonseca is the director of the business association, with more than 150 thousand members.

ATIA director Joyce Bartelsdaal explained that the ATIA is focusing on various things, among others the diversification of commerce. Aruba Bank is the event's main sponsor. In 2011, the commercial bank signed an agreement with the government promising to help stimulate the economy, Ryan Kock explained. Brazil is "hot" and growing in importance in the entire world and Aruba Bank wants to try to attract business opportunities, he said. Tickets cost Afl. 175 per person.
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