About Us

The-Aruba-Herald-LOGO-cuadraAruba Herald [AH] is owned and operated by Headlines Group operators of 24ora.com and 24ora.an . 24ora.com is Aruba’s most visited news website providing up to the minute local news in Aruba’s native language Papiamento. After the great success of 24ora.com the operators noticed that there was a large demand for real local news in the English language.

With real local news Aruba Herald’s [AH] director Mr. Mark-Benson Denz emphasizes : “ Aruba Herald will provide local news from all sectors as in Politics, Social, Tourism, Entertainment, Court, Entertainment and much more. Also Aruba Herald will dedicate articles to business, technology and the economy. “

[AH] targets a wide demographic as being male and female between ages 25 – 60 either residing and/or overseas having and interest in Aruba communicating primarily in English.



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